
eavesdropping for the technologically savvy

Monday, June 23, 2003

H&M, New York City:
girl on cell phone: "Yeah? I bet if I bought you something, you wouldn't be mad."

Korean restaraunt, NYC:
'Lunch buffet, 20% off.'
Um, ick.

Guitar Center, Queens - working at the counter was a guy whose nametag said "BEEF". Thought it might be a joke until he introduced himself... as Beef. Explanation of the name went something like this:

"Well, I used to be big... I mean, a lot bigger... and I was really into ...the World of EnterTAINment" (sweeping hand motions) "and, I don't know..."

Mm-hmm. Not sure what the "World of EnterTAINment" might have to do with it. I guess 'Meatloaf' was already taken.


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