
eavesdropping for the technologically savvy

Thursday, March 11, 2004

update: some people refer to okra as lady's finger. But I still wouldn't eat it with coffee and sugary creamy goodness.

"When all else fails.. break up!" -girl in bookstore, San Francisco.

Why wait until ALL else fails? Wait until about 75% of it fails, then call the whole thing off. It could take forever for that extra 25% to fall through.

These guys in my vanpool discussed bridge for half an hour the other day. One of them took bridge classes... for TWO YEARS! And it was a four-year course! That's like getting your undergraduate in bridge (still beats philosophy).

A sign on a fridge in a biopharmecutical research lab where a friend works:

"Do not put ice in this refrigerator! It melts and gets everything wet!!"

Apparently some research genius person put ice in the fridge... on the top shelf. It melted and soaked everyone's lunch. And that's the difference between book-smart and real-smart.


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