Oh, my holy crap. I tried to go on MySpace, because I want to see the page of a very darling friend of mine and there were dancing Elmos and siezure-inducing flashy things and a million tiny Christmas graphics and colors and words all running around and stuff. Wow. I'm surprised more people don't go on murderous rampages brought on by MySpace. I'm still considering it (the murderous rampage), so if I end up in jail, you can say " She seemed nice. Quiet, but nice. Oh yeah, and she said she went on her killing spree because of MySpace." Then Congress can spend four years debating whether or not there should be a constitutional amendment banning flashing wordy graphics and dancing Elmos on the same page (because to me, that makes more sense than banning gay marriage. WTF?).
We rocked the rock gym tonight. And heard:
"I didn't want to talk about frosting. YOU wanted to talk about frosting!" -climber girl
"I did want to talk about frosting." -belayer girl
I'm not sure what there is to say about frosting, other than GIMME!
We rocked the rock gym tonight. And heard:
"I didn't want to talk about frosting. YOU wanted to talk about frosting!" -climber girl
"I did want to talk about frosting." -belayer girl
I'm not sure what there is to say about frosting, other than GIMME!
At 7:44 AM,
Anonymous said…
would you like that with a side of broccoli cheesy stuff?
At 10:07 AM,
j said…
Hells yes, I would! mmm..... broccoli cheesy stuff... it will be the currency of our future civilization.
At 12:56 PM,
The Poor Barn Mom said…
Wait, broccoli cheesy stuff and FROSTING? I am a lover of frosting myself, but these two items don't really seem to go hand in hand.
I must be missing something!
I'm going to go raid my pantry for some frosting now.
At 1:08 PM,
j said…
They are used for alternate bingeing. Frosting for the sugary side, then when everything starts to vibrate and your teeth want to jump out of your head, you switch to broccoli-cheese-goo and sourdough bread, until the creamy salty lactose overdose triggers the need for sugar....
Well, I think I just planned all my meals for the day, right there! :D
At 6:09 PM,
Anonymous said…
I hates hates hates me some flashy, wordy graphics and dancing Elmos. Mingled with the disasterpiece that is the average MySpace user's profile and you've got migraine-inducing madness.
I wonder if anyone's got a webpage devoted to The Worst MySpaces Evah. I think I'll go check.
At 7:27 PM,
j said…
I still want to create an "illegible shrine to Justin Timberlake" (as Seven says most MySpace pages are). Maybe I could have flashy wordy graphics and dancing Justin-heads! I will spell everything wrong and shun both punctuation and capitalization (except in statements like "OMG SO HOTT!!!!!!!!!"). All shades of pink will be used. Any other suggestions?
At 12:48 AM,
Anonymous said…
Createblog.com has some very special designs.
Iron Spider has one's that don't suck.
At 10:33 AM,
zandperl said…
I bet the "I'm pregnant!" woman in your next post would like broccoli with frosting.
If you want a really horrible myspace page, check out that of a fellow Omeganaut here. Maybe you'll start to see why I wasn't a big fan of hers...
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