
eavesdropping for the technologically savvy

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

"We were at dinner, and some guy was drinking salsa!" **

OK, so the "guy" is my husband, so I'm used to that. But he really wanted someone to say that about him. So I did. :)


  • At 10:50 PM, Blogger The Poor Barn Mom said…

    OMG. Are you sure that Mr. Military Man and Mr. J were not made for EACH OTHER?!!

    My hubby drinks salsa too.

    Ew. Boys are so gross.

  • At 11:25 PM, Blogger j said…

    Eek! They just might be! We should never take them out for Mexican food together, then! We might get kicked out... especially the way boys dare each other to do stuff. I can just see Hubby 1 daring Hubby 2 to chug a pint of hot sauce and then stick chips up his nose, or something like that.

    (I read your entry in my high school yearbook last night! It's so funny... you'll have to come over and check it out! "We NEVER have to see any of these MORONS again"... ah, you always were my little Sunbeam! {big grin!})

  • At 10:43 AM, Blogger zandperl said…

    Hee, I keep forgetting you two're married now. Married couples are NEVER this cool, so there's no way you could be married. :-P I'm silly. You rock!


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