
eavesdropping for the technologically savvy

Friday, April 06, 2007

"In the future, humans won't even have legs. We won't need 'em."
-guy at Denny's

Screw the future! It's gonna suck!

Also a piece of unsolicited advice - if you go to a restaurant and decide to hit on the waitress, wait until the end of your meal to do so. It makes things so much less awkward for everyone, especially if you are the last person in the restaurant to realize that you are getting shot down in flames.


  • At 11:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Okay, was the shot-down guy at least on the order of *this* smarmy bastard, so I can stop feeling sorry for him?

    "When I walk down the street,
    most guys look like elves.
    I don't mean to put them down,
    but they do

    It's hard to understand me
    from the language I use.
    There's no word in English
    for my style.

    What's a man like me supposed to do
    with all this extra savoire-faire?
    What is left for me to do, dear?"

    --excerpt from "Extra Savoire-Faire", They Might Be Giants

  • At 12:46 PM, Blogger j said…

    Yeah, he was, um, oooozing with a very special savoir-faire. And he was exceptionally clueless. You are officially permitted to stop feeling sorry for him.

  • At 1:58 PM, Blogger The Poor Barn Mom said…

    Did you go to lunch with a Mr. Gannon, bychance?

  • At 4:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…



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