
eavesdropping for the technologically savvy

Saturday, December 16, 2006

We are watching PROFESSIONAL ARM WRESTLING on ESPN2. It is so cool. There are referees, and rules, and lingo and commentators, and strategies, and everything! The current world champion has a huge right arm and a normal left arm. "You can see the intensity in his eyes! He's like a coiled snake!"

The really funny thing? The contestants all hug after each match. No kidding.

By the way, who do I talk to about getting an extension on Christmas? Despite the fact that the holiday season started being hyped in mid-October, here we are with nine days left, and I AM NOT READY! Forget about Chanukah; that started yesterday so I'm even more ill-prepared for that. Perhaps New Years gifts for everyone this year?


  • At 2:32 PM, Blogger The Poor Barn Mom said…

    I'm with ya on that one, sister. But please, NO EXTENSION!!

    I'm thinking Groundhog's Day gifts again this year.....

  • At 8:01 AM, Blogger zandperl said…

    Meredithanne42 gave me the bright idea of sending out January cards this year. I *want* to send out holiday cards, but it's clear I'm not going to make it. (For Hanukah, does it still count if they arrive on the last day?) So M said I should just send them all out for January, b/c it's a boring month otherwise. :-P (Except for my birthday ;) )

  • At 9:11 PM, Blogger j said…

    January cards - what a lovely idea! It brings a ray of sunshine into an otherwise bleak month (except when we are all partying down to celebrate the birth of Zandperl - ooh, sounds pagan!), not to mention you can get your cards for 50% off. I completely support this idea. Meredithanne42 is a wise one!

    Yes, this is the thing I like about Hanukkah - you can TOTALLY SPACE OUT on the first day, and still have a week to get your stuff together! BTW, we're opening your package by the light of the menorah tonight, after eating microwaved lasagna. :)

  • At 10:39 AM, Blogger zandperl said…

    Hah! Awesome. My Dad always made sure to tell me that the menorah wasn't supposed to be used as a light source - right before he turned out all the other lights leaving only the menorah twinkling before our eyes. :-P Yesterday I saw a minivan with a constructed aluminum menorah atop it with the center "candle" (lightbulb) lit and four others (I think).


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