
eavesdropping for the technologically savvy

Monday, September 25, 2006

Well, now that I've completed the two-second logon process... I don't remember what I was going to post about. Hmm.

Kristen sent me a great Overheard, that could only be from one place... TEXAS!

This one comes direct from one of my instructors, who (sadly enough) lives in the same city I do. Please don't judge me based on what he says! Ready? Here goes:

"You know, it's like John Wayne toilet paper. It's rough, tough, and doesn't take crap off nobody!"

Oooooooooooh boy.

I did sit in the doctor's waiting room the other day. (By the way... if your inhaler expired 3.5 years ago, it probably won't work very well. Mine didn't!) And there are always lots of lovely people there. Like the woman talking on her cell phone VERY LOUDLY - the only one talking in the whole room - about the rampant infection she had in her hand after jabbing it with cat's claw (the native desert plant). Save it for the doctor, lady! Ew.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

A Memo from Management:

"I think that 'permanent' is a relative term."
-department manager

The joys of working for a large government contractor are sometimes just too stupid to express. The place I work for is such a big, dumb, lumbering Neanderthal... it's a wonder Darwinism hasn't weeded it out yet.