
eavesdropping for the technologically savvy

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

I would like to tell everyone that I just started a fire WITH NO MATCHES! Woohoo! I used one of these.

And no, I wasn't camping or hiking or anything, I just started a fire in my backyard. With no matches. BECAUSE I CAN!!!

Sunday, December 24, 2006

"It smells like barf!"
-kid in the grocery store parking lot

Kids are hilarious. We were in line at Target last weekend, and the 5-year old behind us decided to get chatty. A few steps into the conversation:

me: So how old are you?
kid: I'm 5. How old are you?
me: I'm 29.
Her eyes widen, like I'm the oldest person she's ever met.
kid: (softly) Ohhhh. Do you have kids?
me: No, not yet.
kid: Why not? When are you going to have kids?
me: Geez, you and my mother! Um.....
kid: When you get pregnant?
me: (relieved) Yep. When I get pregnant.
kid: When you get pregnant, you can't bend over. Can you bend over now?
me: (suppressing laughter at her father, who looks horrified) Yeah, I think I can bend over!
kid: Show me!

Not being one to bend over on command, I laughed and paid for my purchases, as the kid tried to convince her dad that I really should show her that I can bend over. Just to make sure I'm not pregnant, I guess? Cheapest pregnancy test ever!

And this wasn't overheard, but how many times in the history of Ever do you think this has been said?

"I need to dust my fez."
-my husband

On the unusual personal note:
So, I went to church with my mom today. Don't worry, I'm still a non-believing heathen. But I did want to sing Christmas songs, and she was so completely happy to have some company. It was a pretty weird experience, seeing everyone with whom I used to be a Believer. But we were late (by my design) and I left right after Sacrament meeting, so I didn't have to chat with anyone. And then I went home and put on my slutty Excommunicated Mormon Drinking Team micro-tank and went to the bar. (Except that Four Peaks was closed, so I changed my shirt and we went to Chompies instead. Hey, I tried.)

Happy holidays, everyone! This includes Boxing Day, Kwanzaa, Do-Mi-Do Denser Than Balsa Wood Day, National Whiner's Day, Day of the Wren (Ireland), Junkanoo (Bahamas), Day of Goodwill (South Africa) and Mao Tze-Tung's birthday, all of which are on December 26th. Woo!

Saturday, December 16, 2006

We are watching PROFESSIONAL ARM WRESTLING on ESPN2. It is so cool. There are referees, and rules, and lingo and commentators, and strategies, and everything! The current world champion has a huge right arm and a normal left arm. "You can see the intensity in his eyes! He's like a coiled snake!"

The really funny thing? The contestants all hug after each match. No kidding.

By the way, who do I talk to about getting an extension on Christmas? Despite the fact that the holiday season started being hyped in mid-October, here we are with nine days left, and I AM NOT READY! Forget about Chanukah; that started yesterday so I'm even more ill-prepared for that. Perhaps New Years gifts for everyone this year?