
eavesdropping for the technologically savvy

Monday, July 31, 2006

Nice. There's a liposuction commercial going on in the other room. Mr. Blue is shooting at the cats with a Nerf gun, and I had brownies for dinner! Whee!

My dad was in the hospital last week, which was unfortunate (here are some details ), but he did overhear his neighbor, who was definitely not having a good time of it:

"IF I CAN'T HAVE MY OWN UNDERWEAR, I'M GOIN' HOME!!!" -disgruntled hospital patient, tossing things around his room

Can hospital underwear be that bad? Perhaps if it's the wrong size... or meant for the opposite gender... or maybe that's the problem. They took away his Victoria's Secret low-cut lace hipsters! I'd throw a fit, too... those things are expensive!

Also overheard:

"You know, it's never good when you try and turn your court-ordered counselor into a friend..." -dude at work, who overheard another dude who just needs someone to talk to, okay???

I like blogging. Maybe I'll do it more.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Yes, it's been a while. But this one was sooooo worth it.

Overheard at a 7-11 in Salt Lake City: two women (one behind the counter) discussing marital problems... Trashy Lady 1 is telling 7-11 Worker Lady how her husband has been unfaithful, and 7-11 Worker Lady says:

"Yeah! I remember when I found Linda... sleeping with my husband! I pushed my way up to her door and caught them! The next time she tries something like that, I'm gonna stick her head in Diego's toilet again!"

AGAIN!!!! So, some town tramp named Linda is scoring with everyone's husband, and getting her head stuck in toilets by the justifiably upset wives. In Salt Lake City, nonetheless!! Life is awesome.

Wanna see something gross?


Thank you, Dirty Jobs, for enlightening me to some really wretched stuff.