
eavesdropping for the technologically savvy

Friday, August 25, 2006

'Snakes on a Plane' was great. GREAT!!!!

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Really good friends will:

1. Meet you for climbing.... at 5:30am....
2. Be beautifully patient as you take the wrongest road possible to the crag....
3. Keep their sense of humor and adventure as "30% chance of scattered showers" turns into "100% chance of unrelenting downpour" before the first bolt has been clipped....
4. Cheer for you out loud as you drive your Honda Civic like an SUV through rocky, soaking muddy terrain in previously mentioned downpour, trying to get the hell outta Dodge before the car sinks entirely and turns into an archaeology project for future civilizations...
5. Enjoy the unexpectedly hick roadside bar that you chose for lunch on the way back (solely because it had a buffalo on the sign)...
6. Actually agree to go climbing with you in the future!

I was fortunate to experience all six of those this weekend! I'm so lucky to have the good friends that I do.

So, for the three friends that read my blog: Zandperl, I miss climbing with you (although I'm sure you're glad you weren't there for this weekend's adventure)! Thanks for always being someone I can count on, no matter what. Corn Child, we've been through so much together... thanks for understanding and for letting me vent. Seven of Two, we've known each other since you were born! Thanks for being honest and for giving me new perspective (and an accordion). And all three of you make me laugh until it hurts... you're a rockin' trio of chicks that I'm so glad to have in my life!

PS - If you're a friend that reads my blog and I didn't include you, please forgive me! I only know if people are reading when they leave comments. Leave me a comment and I'll say something nice about you too!

Friday, August 04, 2006

For those of you who don't like to smoke:

you can experience crack in tasty sandwich form! Mmm! Crack is Wack... but in such a delicious way!

Here are pictures of Nina and Ella:

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

"We were at dinner, and some guy was drinking salsa!" **

OK, so the "guy" is my husband, so I'm used to that. But he really wanted someone to say that about him. So I did. :)