
eavesdropping for the technologically savvy

Monday, September 24, 2007

Sunday, September 23, 2007

A friend's kid, in the car:

"I can't talk right now, Dad. My head is full of science."


We also went to see Foreigner/Styx/DEF LEPPARD this week! It was totally rad, of course. We saw the following things:

devil horns
plumber crack
big 80's hair
tight pants
Union Jack sleeveless shirt (on a dude)
Ankle boots, miniskirt, and newsboy hat (on a girl)
Lots of tattoos
Guy spilling beer on a girl
One mullet (we were hoping for more!)
Big dude doing the two-step to 'Pour Some Sugar on Me'

It certainly was festive. We had fun. :)

Thursday, September 13, 2007

I occasionally get e-mail that is intended for someone who has an address remarkably similar to mine. The one I got today had this gem in it:

"She asked me to tell daddy not to be too mad at her cause the intire class
failed their spelling test today and are suposed to take it over again."

I supose that if the intire class failed their spelling test, the teacher might send some extra study materials home for the parents. (And yes, I'm an overeducated bitch. Thank you for asking!)

It's Rosh Hashanah, so this supafly shiksa is taking the day off with her Jewish husband. There are benefits to being Jewish-in-law. Next Saturday, when I am starving through Yom Kippur services for a religion in which I don't believe, the drawbacks will be apparent. :) But Mr. Blue knows I love him and that is what counts!

Monday, September 03, 2007

Yep, I am a slacker. But guess what? This is post number ONE HUNDRED! WOO!

So I was standing in the kitchen after dinner, conversing with Mr. Blue, and he (utilizing his talents to the max) bends the conversation to something veeerrrrry gross and disgusting, so I start singing AS LOUD AS I POSSIBLY CAN to drown him out (plus I can be extraordinarily loud when I want to be - seriously, you would wonder how that much sound can come out of a person my size). And our darling and totally insane cat Ella comes sprinting into the room, jumps up on a box, and starts rubbing on my leg. She loved it! I stopped for a moment and she was purring like crazy. What a total weirdo. And it was BAD singing, kids... singing of indeterminite key and terrible quality. All I was really going for was volume, but I guess that's all that matters to Ella.

I had some overheards but I lost them. One was about some lady talking about who invented salt, and one was some dude in the airport security line talking about how his aura is the color clear. Uhm... okay. Tell ya what, if I could do something like invent salt, I would be mucho rich!

So my friend jess is a domestic wonder, as you all may well know. And she and I are cooking up a Sarcastic Scrapbookers party where we will make all sorts of darling little creations that say stuff like "Shut up, bitch" and whatever else rude you might want to say using craft supplies. Sugary snacks and alcohol will also be invited. Stay tuned!